The cocooning effect describes people’s need to protect and relax in their private surroundings. This effect has increased in recent years as people experience more and more stress and hustle and bustle in their daily lives. In this environment, they look for ways to relax and escape.

This effect is of great importance to marketers, as they can reach their target audience where they are most receptive to marketing messages. Hair salons offer an ideal opportunity to attract the attention of the target group. In this environment, customers have the time and space to engage with and consciously perceive the marketing experience.

With smadooh MEDIA, marketers can take advantage of this effect by presenting their marketing message on the frontally placed screens. The time spent in hairdressing salons is high, which leads to maximum visibility of the brand.

smadooh MEDIA’s innovative DOOH network in Swiss hair salons provides a unique platform for the advertising message. The entertainment program on the screens creates a memorable experience for the target group and makes the brand shine.

Marketing doesn’t have to be boring. With smadooh MEDIA, advertising becomes entertainment and offers REAL Attention. Placement directly at the operator’s station ensures the best possible attention.

smadooh MEDIA offers a variety of entertainment blocks from all kinds of sectors, such as sports, travel, crafts, fashion, technology. With over 1000 screens and 133 advertising locations, smadooh MEDIA offers high visibility and maximum reach.

In summary, the cocooning effect is of great importance to marketers as it provides an ideal opportunity to reach their target audience on an emotional level. With smadooh MEDIA, marketers can take advantage of this effect