Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) marketing is on the rise in Switzerland and smadooh MEDIA is a major player in this market. With over 1000 screens and 133+ advertising locations, smadooh MEDIA offers a unique platform for companies to bring their brand and advertising message directly to the target groups.

The advantages of DOOH marketing

DOOH marketing offers a variety of advantages over traditional marketing methods. One of the biggest advantages is the direct target group approach. DOOH screens are often located in places where people linger, such as hair salons, and offer companies the opportunity to bring their advertising message directly to the eyes of their target audience.

Smadooh MEDIA offers REAL Attention

With smadooh MEDIA, companies can attract the attention of their target group in a unique way. The advertising viewers are served by the hairdresser and in front of them is our advertising screen, directly on the customer’s mirror. In this way, the maximum attention can be achieved.

Entertainment blocks for every taste

smadooh MEDIA offers entertainment blocks in many different categories, such as sports, travel, crafts, fashion, technology. This allows companies to ensure that their advertising message is relevant and interesting to their target audience.

Targeted attention for maximum visibility

Thanks to our high dwell time and high real attention opportunities, we guarantee maximum visibility for our clients’ brand. Companies can be sure that their advertising message will reach the right target group and leave a lasting impression.

Advertising as entertainment

With smadooh MEDIA, advertising becomes entertainment. Our innovative DOOH network in Swiss hair salons offers a unique platform for companies to present their brand and advertising message in an unforgettable way